Let's build your healthy diet!
Let's build your healthy diet!
With years of making the same mistakes over and over and trying every diet know to the internet & TV; I gave up, and got FAT! It sucks, its depressing, I felt lost and unworthy and confused. When a friend said they lost "20 pounds" - but, ahhhh... they would gain it back over time - so to me nothing really worked. Today, you can follow my new journey WTFat for FREE! I'm not making any promises, I"m not an expert, I'm just a human being that is offering to take you on my journey to a better life through trial and error.
I'l just show you my journey and hopefully you pick up pointers that help you loose weight; getting you back on course with this great life we have been given as a gift. I'm slowing believing there is a way to FAT Freedom since i developed WTFat into my life. So I'll share all my knowledge and I hope it helps you like it is me everyday - if you want an expert, doctor, nutritionist - its not me! I just found the healthy secret to loosing weight and i'm willing to show you how easy it really is. STOP banging your head, stop being depressed, What the Fat do you have to loose?
When you are ready, willing and sick & tired of WHAT THE FAT is on me! When you reach that point of pain - U R ready to change. Are you tired of buying books, paying for products with broken promises....it's absolutely heartbreaking...I'm sorry...I feel for you... that's why i'm sharing my journey with you ...free no ties, i want nothing except to help one person to loose their fat and hopefully live a healthy prosperous life! If I help one person i will have fulfilled my purpose in life :) I hope its U!
Meal prepping is important but if you are like me I can't be bothered, i want a cheap, quick easy way to change my life and loose my FAT with little effort or i'm going to give up. No fancy stuff here just the basics on my journey to change - follow me - do what i do - make your changes - its easy - its fast - it works - you will watch me change daily and you will see there is another way ...you can crawl out of your present fat body - so come with me - What The Fat do you have to loose.
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed
Copyright © 2021 WTFat - All Rights Reserved.
Created by Beverley Thomson